Clear Grain Exchange (CGX) is now live at 23 storage providers, with more to come!
This means growers delivering grain to any of these storage providers can OFFER THEIR GRAIN for sale at the price they want to ALL BUYERS on the exchange, whilst protected by SECURE SETTLEMENT.
We encourage more buyers to try and purchase your grain and ensure you receive its FULL VALUE all the time.
Our aim is to make CGX your favourite place to sell grain.
CGX operates at the following grain storage providers. Stay tuned as we work to bring on more!
CGX not operating at your site?
CGX is not a buyer, seller, broker or storage provider of grain. We operate an independent and secure electronic exchange open to all industry stakeholders - therefore all storage providers can utilise CGX knowing their clients are getting FULL VALUE for their grain.
If you deliver to a storage provider not listed above and want access to ALL BUYERS, contact your site manager and get them to get in touch with us so that we can get them on board.
If you use a grain marketing agent, you can authorise them to act on your behalf on the exchange to manage your offers and sales!
We encourage you, or your grain marketing agent, to contact us at anytime by calling 1800 000 410, visiting or connecting with us on Twitter @ClearGrain
Clear Grain Exchange has consistently had grain trading at better values than published bids on other price platforms.
Set THE PRICE YOU WANT for your grain
ALL BUYERS can then see your grain and try to purchase it
Be confident that FULL VALUE is captured when your grain sells
SECURE SETTLEMENT means you retain title until payment
Fast payment WITHIN 7 BUSINESS DAYS of delivery
EASY TO USE and FREE to Register, OFFER or Edit, at anytime
CGX is an independent and secure grain exchange enabling growers to offer their grain at their price to all buyers and achieve FULL VALUE for your grain.