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Defer payment of grain sales

Grain Cashflow from Grain Sales
Grain Cashflow from Grain Sales

CGX secure settlement can help you manage cashflow independent of grain sales

With CGX you can separate your selling decision from your cashflow.

If you want to make sales, but don't want the cash now, you can defer payment or defer delivery to future months.


Defer payment of grain sales

If you would like to defer payment on a grain sale with prompt delivery, when creating an offer in your CGX account, simply select "Deferred until July" from the payment date drop down list.

Defer Grain Payment
Defer Grain Payment

When you defer payment of your grain sale through CGX, your money is held within the secure bare trust in your name.

This means you earn interest on those funds and can call on those funds at any time if your circumstances change - simply let the CGX team know and your funds will be paid.


Defer delivery and payment to future months

For growers who want to defer delivery and payment of their grain into future months, you can offer grain at the price you want in the month you want to deliver.

You are then able to deliver grain in the month you nominate and be paid within CGX's standard terms of within 7 business days.

Grain Delivery Period
Grain Delivery Period

Remember: there is a record of all your grain sales within your CGX account. Simply login and navigate to the 'My Sales' page.

Using CGX can only add value to your business



We're here to help!

Please get in touch at anytime!

If you use a grain marketing agent, they can access the exchange on your behalf.

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