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Get FULL value for your canola on CGX

Oil bonification and admixture

When selling canola on CGX, you'll be paid premiums or discounts on your OFFER price based on your canola's oil content and admix.

Your OFFER price is made on the basis of 42% oil and 0% admixture with price adjustments made per Australian Oilseeds Federation standards (AOF).


Oil bonification and admixture are stated on your 'Settlement Confirmation' as per your tickets

Once your canola trades, and you transfer your canola into the contract, the price is adjusted on the basis of clean seed weight (delivered weight less admixture) with premiums/discounts calculated on oil content.

Simply login to your CGX account to access your sales and all associated paperwork at anytime.


Clear Grain Exchange Canola Trade
Clear Grain Exchange Canola Trade

How do you sell 'ISCC' canola on CGX?

At times, ISCC declared canola (or 'EU' canola grades on CGX) can trade at higher prices than canola grades without the certification. 

If you've completed an ISCC declaration on the National Grower Register (NGR) for your canola, you can let buyers know.

When offering your canola for sale on CGX, simply select the 'EU'grade. Buyers will then know the canola meets ISCC standards.

For more information or to complete the ISCC Declaration withNGR click here 

If you use CGX correctly it can only add value


We're here to help!

Please get in touch at anytime!

If you use a grain marketing agent, they can access the exchange on your behalf.

1800 000 410 or



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