Grain Report Monday - 16th January

Our goal is to help growers and their agents determine the selling price for their grain by providing relevant price discovery each day. Check out the moves in overnight international markets and yesterday's actual traded prices across Australia. There's also market commentary giving context and comparisons to prices of international physical markets. If you need to change your offer price, simply edit it before market open.
What price do you want for your grain?

Look Out!
Markets up on Friday night.
Kansas wheat futures (APW / hard wheat equivalent) were up almost AUD $5 per tonne.
Hard red winter wheat, which we compete with out of the Pacific Northwest into Asia, is currently priced at USD $390 FOB (Free on Board) for February shipment.
This works back to AUD $530 FIS (Free In Store) WA and AUD $515 Track East Coast.
Their soft red winter wheat, which is crap and has lower extraction rates and higher conditioning times than ASW, is USD $325 FOB, which would equate to AUD $440 FIS WA and AUD $425 Track East Coast.
So, the USA’s lowest quality milling wheat is AUD $100 over WA ASW?
They also grow a white wheat, developed to compete with ASW, which is also around USD $320 FOB ex-Pacific North West.
One day someone will explain why US wheat is the most expensive in the world.
They grow 45 million tonnes and export 21 million tonnes.
But they could carry over 15 million tonnes of stock which is 30% of their production.
In 20/21 their carry over stocks were 23 million tonnes, or 47% of their production.
In Australia, we carry over 10% of our production, which is like other major exporters, who also clean out the cupboards each year.
That is, excluding China who has 144 million tonnes of stock.
Think about that! In China, they have more carryover wheat stocks than Australia has produced in the last 5 years.
To date the Yanks have exported 15 million tonnes in the 1st 7 months of their marketing year (since June 1st 2022).
The same time last year they had exported 16 million tonnes. They have exported 4 million tonnes of hard red winter wheat, including sales to Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand markets in our backyard.
But, US wheat is the most expensive in the world? How can they sell to these markets in our backyard, when we have a freight advantage and our prices USD $40 cheaper on a FOB basis?
How do I know all this?
It is all reported by the US Wheat association on a weekly basis.
They have a fully deregulated, open, transparent market, where information including supply and demand, stocks, sales and prices are reported on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis.
It is used by all market participants, in the US and Globally to make better marketing and pricing decisions.
In Australia, this information is kept from the market participants, unless you want to pay a motza for it, because it is better if growers are kept completely in the dark.
Of course, some participants, such as bulk handlers, have more information than the grower, which is wrong as it gives an unfair advantage, which is not a fully deregulated market.
Australia needs to grow some balls and start reporting as much market information as possible, so all growers and the market participants can be fully informed to make better decisions.
Another way to make better decisions is to use the CGX platform to list your grain.
Name your price, but don’t be a sheep, be a bull, the market needs your grain.
Most importantly we're always here to help!
Please give us a call or email if you have any questions.
Call 1800 000 410 or Email