Grain Report Tuesday - 16th January
What price do you want for your grain?
Overnight moves in international markets and yesterday's actual traded prices across Australia are below to help you determine your price. If you need to change your offer price, simply edit it before market open.
Look Out!
US markets were closed last night as the Yanks celebrated Martin Luther King's Day.
I have a dream.
I have a dream market information, including weekly sales and relative export prices will be freely available to my four little farming children so they can make better pricing decisions.
I have a dream Australia will put out a monthly Supply and Demand report along with quarterly stocks.
I have a dream the shipping stems are located in one central database, easily accessible and in a format where we can see commodity volumes without downloading PD files into spreadsheets.
I have a dream the Victorian wheat export price was at relative parity with WA export values.
I have a dream the grain I bought in the bulk handler storage is still at the same location when I chose to move it.
I have a dream the Ruskies will have a drought this year and our prices will be back over USD $350 FOB (Free on Board).
I have a dream BioDiesel mandates will be increased to include a greater % of vegetable oils.
I have a dream Australia receives above median rainfall for the 24 season.
I have a dream this year’s crop will be over 28 million tonnes.
I have a dream I will break 80 off the stick one day.
I have a dream the Tigers win another flag this year.
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CGX now own and operate the igrain market for grain stored on-farm
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