Grain Report Wednesday - 25th September
What price do you want for your grain?
Overnight moves in international markets and yesterday's actual traded prices across Australia are below to help you determine your price. If you need to change your offer price, simply edit it before market open.
Look Out!
Wheat and corn off slightly last night and beans up slightly.
There are still some weather concerns in Russia and the Ukraine with the forecast remaining dry.
Brazil is also remaining dry for bean planting; however, the market is optimistic forecast October rains will improve conditions.
We are right at the start of their planting campaign with 0.2% planted compared to 1.5% same time last year.
Questions being asked if the Chinese economic stimulus will stimulate demand in that market.
Russia is on track to export a record 5.5 million tonnes of wheat in September. At this pace, at some stage they will start slowing down and markets look to other origins to fill the gap.
Ruskie wheat values are still quoted around USD $220 FOB (Free on Board) for November shipment.
But none of this matters as the most important thing in Australia this week is rain.
Crops in Victorian and SA are already under a lot of stress, which was increased after recent frost events.
As per the GIWA (Grain Industry Association of Western Australia), they announced last week, if WA doesn’t receive rains over the next 2 weeks, they would be reducing the Winter crops by another 2 million tonnes.
As a result of dryness and crops being cut for hay, domestic prices have started rising.
The Melbourne domestic market for January 2025 delivery has risen AUD $25 per tonne over the month of September.
If the AUD didn’t rise, these prices would be up AUD $40 per tonne.
For further market commentary please contact the CGX team on 1800 000 410
CGX now own and operate the igrain market for grain stored on-farm
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