Weekly Grain Traded CGX - 03 January
Australian grain is in demand - 47 buyers bought wheat, barley, canola, oats and lupins the last 2 weeks with more searching for grain on offer.
Offer your grain for sale rather than hitting a cash bid - Australian grain does not need to get cheaper to remain competitive into international markets.
There is plenty of demand for Australian grain - what ever the grade, OFFER your grain for sale at a price and let ALL BUYERS try to buy it.

When your grain is offered for sale on CGX all buyers can see it and try to purchase it.
Grain market statistics for last 2 weeks
47 buyers purchased grain on CGX - more searching
360 sellers sold grain on CGX with more offering grain for sale
20 agent and/or advisory businesses sold grain on behalf of growers
42 different grades traded
5 commodities traded - wheat, barley, canola, oats, lupins
15 port zones traded across QLD, NSW, VIC, SA and WA
Australian grain is in demand
There was a lot of activity on Clear Grain Exchange in the lead up to Christmas and the New Year.
Many growers made significant progress with their harvests and some were nearing the end. Many were finalising transfers into forward contracts ahead of delivery due dates, and then offering their grain for sale on the exchange at the price they are willing to sell for.
This encouraged a lift in prices as buyers were looking to find and purchase grain to cover commitments.
47 different buyer businesses purchased wheat, barley, canola, oats and lupins over the past two weeks across 15 port zones around Australia.
There is demand for your grain. Plenty of grain is still to be bought for export and domestic use around Australia. Many analysts have reported that Australian grain does not need to get cheaper to be competitive into international markets. In fact, there is room for upside in Australian prices.
Rather than hitting cash bids as you deliver grain this harvest, consider delivering grain into warehouse and offering your grain at a price you feel is fair value.
There is often better value and more buyers for your grain than you may realise.
Over the last two week period, APW1 wheat traded $477/t in Kwinana, $427/t Port Lincoln and $420/t Port Kembla. ASW1 was trading $405/t Geelong, $390/t Port Adelaide, $387/t Portland, $380/t Geraldton and $377/t Thevenard.
Meanwhile stock feed wheat traded $386/t Port Kembla, and FED1 wheat traded $370/t Geraldton, $369/t Brisbane and $337/t Port Adelaide.
Higher protein wheat continues to attract serious demand with H1 trading $560/t Geraldton, $550/t Kwinana, and $474/t Thevenard. H2 traded across 9 different port zones around Australia at $520/t Kwinana, $451/t in Port Adelaide and Port Lincoln, $437/t in Port Kembla and Thevenard as examples. APH2 traded $488/t in Newcastle.
15 different wheat grades traded in total highlighting the demand for all grades of wheat as buyers work out what they have and what they need.
On the barley front, feed barley was trading in almost all port zones at $337/t Port Kembla, $320/t Esperance and Portland, $318/t Melbourne, and $310/t Lucky Bay as examples. Lower quality feed barley also trading anywhere from $0/t to over $20/t discount to standard feed depending on grade and location, BAR2 traded $307/t in Newcastle as an example.
Malt barley continues to attract premiums to feed. Spartacus traded $400/t in Kwinana and $378/t Geelong while Maximus was trading $340/t Kwinana.
Canola was trading $815/t in Esperance, $762/t Port Kembla, $758/t Newcastle, $759/t Melbourne and $755/t Port Adelaide + oil bonifications.
This is just a snippet of what traded last week. Login to your Clear Grain Exchange account to see what prices traded, search the market screens, and offer your grain for sale!
CGX operating at your site
Clear Grain Exchange operates at 26 different grain bulk handling businesses around Australia covering hundreds of storage sites.
The Sheel grain storage site at Telford (just south of Yarrawonga) in Victoria was set up recently on Clear Grain Exchange.
This means growers delivering to Sheel are now able to offer their grain for sale at the price they want to all buyers securely.
Check out our website to find out if you can offer grain on the exchange at your local site. If your site isn't registered on the exchange, get in touch and we can follow-up!
The charts below provide a summary of grain traded last week

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Please give us a call or email if you have any questions.
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