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Weekly Grain Traded CGX - 04 February

CGX now own and operate the igrain market for grain stored on-farm

logo igrain by clear grain exchange
  1. All grains in demand last week - Wheat has become wheat and barley has become barley from a pricing perspective in many parts of the country.

  2. 37 buyers met grower offer prices to purchase 44 grades - Wheat, barley, canola, faba beans, lentils, lupins, and oats traded in 14 port zones.

  3. CGX and igrain enable growers to offer grain for sale - Growers delivering to warehouse can offer grain for sale on CGX. Growers with grain on-farm can offer grain for sale on igrain and determine pickup/delivery timeframes.

27 buyer businesses purchased grain through Clear Grain Exchange (CGX) last week. More buyers were searching for grain offered for sale.
37 buyer businesses purchased grain through Clear Grain Exchange (CGX) last week. More buyers were searching for grain offered for sale.

When your grain is offered for sale on CGX all buyers can see it and try to purchase it.


Market stats for last week

  • 37 buyers purchased grain on CGX - more were searching for grain

    • 11 in QLD and NSW

    • 17 in VIC

    • 10 in SA

    • 19 in WA

  • 310 sellers sold grain through CGX across 395 transactions - more were offering grain for sale

  • 22 agent and/or advisory businesses sold grain on behalf of growers

  • 44 different grades traded

  • 7 commodities - Wheat, barley, canola, faba beans, lentils, lupins, and oats

  • 14 port zones traded across QLD, NSW, VIC, SA and WA


All grains in demand

Wheat has become wheat for ASW1 grade and below (AWW1 in WA) from a pricing perspective with those grades now trading at equivalent or very similar values.

This is reflective of feed demand underpinning prices and the simple fact that Australia doesn't grow enough feed wheat for domestic use let alone growing offshore demand.

It's also seen price spreads from ASW1 to APW1 narrow to around $10/t in many parts of the country.

Higher protein milling wheats such as H1 and H2 grades have been trading at better values to APW1 in many parts as millers and exporters secure cover.

Although price spreads have also narrowed for the higher protein grades, particularly in the drier areas such as SA where supply for grains is shorter.

Demand for barley continues to flow with feed barley trading $349/t Kwinana at the end of the week and $320/t track port Geelong and Pt Adelaide.

Malt barley grades were also sought after in volume across most parts of Australia although at only very slight premiums to feed.

GM canola was well bid and trading in the west at $750/t with oil bonification payments added on top. Non GM canola traded $760/t Kembla.

There was significant demand for other commodities such as lentils, faba beans, lupins and oats with buyers bidding up prices to levels growers had been asking for.

Please refer to the tables below providing a summary of prices traded through CGX last week, or better yet, login to your online CGX account to search and view all prices.

Growers are impacting the price of Australian grain by offering grain for sale and leading bids higher.

Simply offer your grain for sale at the price you want on an independent and secure exchange. All buyers can then see your grain, crunch their numbers and try and buy your grain.

Through CGX, growers are protected at all times with anonymity and secure settlement ensuring they retain title until paid.

A total of 107 buyers made 7,505 searches for grain listed for sale on Clear Grain Exchange (CGX) just last week.

There are plenty of buyers searching for Australian grain offered for sale.
There are plenty of buyers searching for Australian grain offered for sale.

The tables below provide a summary of traded prices on CGX last week

Note: GTA location differentials are used to convert prices to a port equivalent price, actual freight rates can differ particularly in the eastern states. You can offer any grade for sale to create demand.

The charts below provide a summary of grain traded last week



CGX now own and operate the igrain market for grain stored on-farm

logo igrain by clear grain exchange

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