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Weekly Grain Traded CGX - 18 April

  1. Grain demand continued to spread last week - 39 buyers purchased grain on CGX last week with more searching for grain offered for sale.

  2. 8 commodities traded across 15 port zones - The breadth of grades, commodities, locations trading is an indicator of demand spreading.

  3. Demand is coming from a range of buyers - There are often more buyers than you may realise that want your grain.


graph 39 buyers on CGX
39 different buyers purchased grain through Clear Grain Exchange (CGX) last week with more searching for grain offered for sale. When your grain is offered for sale on CGX all buyers can see it and try to purchase it.

Market stats for last week

  • 39 buyers purchased grain on CGX - more searching

    • 23 in Eastern States

    • 10 in South Australia

    • 18 in Western Australia

  • 223 sellers sold grain on CGX with more offering grain for sale

  • 17 agent and/or advisory businesses sold grain on behalf of growers

  • 35 different grades traded

  • 8 commodities traded - wheat, barley, canola, oats, lupins, lentils, peas, sorghum

  • 15 port zones traded across QLD, NSW, VIC, SA and WA

Buyers are searching for your grain

Demand for Australian grain remained robust through last week with 39 different buyers purchasing grain on Clear Grain Exchange and more searching grain offered for sale. The number of buyers each week has continued to climb over the last 4 weeks which can be an indicator of demand strengthening. The increased breadth of grades, commodities and locations trading is also an indicator of demand spreading across parcels of grain available for sale. CBOT wheat futures continued to climb through last week on the back of nervousness over northern hemisphere supply. Shorter weeks ahead in Australia due to Easter and ANZAC day public holidays may also have been an instigator of buyers wanting to get more active to secure grain. Demand is coming from traders, bulk exporters, container exporters and end users as the pull for available grain continues between higher paying international markets with supply chains working hard to get the grain off-shore, and domestic use. Wheat continues to be in demand in almost all locations across Australia with most grades attracting interest. 62% of all grain traded last week was wheat. The price differences across port zones continues to range significantly reflecting the localised supply and demand factors having a large impact on price such as quality and supply chain capacity. As a guide ASW1 traded $385/t FIS Kwinana, $430/t Geraldton, $410/t track Pt Adelaide and Pt Giles, $388/t Geelong and $373/t Newcastle. Higher protein milling grades continue to attract significant premiums over ASW1, while the spread to lower grades such as AGP1 and SFW1 is quite tight in many cases (ie. zero to $10/t). Barley continues to trade with South Australia continuing to lead the charge in price. Pt Adelaide and Pt Lincoln traded $400/t port, while Brisbane and Geelong were $365-368/t levels and Kwinana $344/t FIS. Oats and lupins saw a flurry of demand in the west with OAT1 trading $295/t FIS in Kwinana and Albany, Lupins traded $346/t Kwinana. All canola grades are still getting good interest over $1,000/t + oil bonifications when it's offered. Lentils, peas and sorghum were also strongly bid when offered for sale. The only way you can make sure you get access to the demand for your grain is to offer it for sale at values you deem fair value, or prices you are targeting to sell. This past week there were plenty of examples of growers grain selling at values they didn't realise were available. There are often many more buyers than you may realise that want your grain.

The charts below provide a summary of what was traded last week.

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