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Weekly Grain Traded CGX - 18 December

CGX now own and operate the igrain market for grain stored on-farm

logo igrain by clear grain exchange
  1. Growers getting value for their grain through the exchange - Growers are better understanding what the exchange is and how to get value out of it.

  2. 35 buyers purchased 40 grades of wheat, barley, canola, faba beans, lupins, peas and oats across 15 port zones around Australia last week.

  3. CGX and igrain enable growers to offer grain for sale - Growers delivering to warehouse can offer grain for sale on CGX that has been delivered or will be delivered in future months. Growers with grain on-farm can offer grain for sale on igrain and determine pickup/delivery timeframes.

35 buyer businesses purchased grain through Clear Grain Exchange (CGX) last week. More buyers were searching for grain offered for sale.
35 buyer businesses purchased grain through Clear Grain Exchange (CGX) last week. More buyers were searching for grain offered for sale.

When your grain is offered for sale on CGX all buyers can see it and try to purchase it.


Grain market statistics for last week

  • 35 buyers purchased grain on CGX - more were searching for grain

  • 8 in NSW and QLD

  • 9 in VIC

  • 9 in SA

  • 22 in WA

  • 273 sellers sold grain through CGX across 391 transactions - more were offering grain for sale

  • 18 agent and/or advisory businesses sold grain on behalf of growers

  • 40 different grades traded

  • 7 commodities - wheat, barley, canola, faba beans, lupins, peas, oats

  • 15 port zones traded across QLD, NSW, VIC, SA and WA

Merry Christmas

Get full value for your grain

As harvest nears completion and we head into the holiday period, growers are finalising deliveries against forward contracts they already have on the books, considering how much they need to sell in the near term, and what they are comfortable holding.

When delivering against forward multigrade grain contracts, ensure you transfer the highest quality against the contract/s with the highest premiums and lowest quality against the contract/s with the lowest discounts, regardless of the underlying price of the contract. This will ensure you get the highest average price.

For those looking to sell more now, remember typically the premiums for higher quality food grades, and discounts for lower grades, are widest during harvest and narrow through the year which implies focussing on offering high quality grain for sale now.

For those with off-spec and lower grades of grain, remember Australia does not produce enough feed grain for it's domestic use let alone the growing offshore feed grain demand. So don't panic, as an example typically lower grades of wheat will trade at ASW1 values at some stage after harvest.

Whatever grade you have and where ever you are, remember; there are plenty of buyers that want your grain.

Your job is to make it as easy as possible for ALL BUYERS to try and buy your grain - that's how you will achieve it's full value.

The easiest way to do that, in our view, is to offer it for sale at the price you want on an INDEPENDENT and SECURE grain exchange. 

You can't run an exchange if you have a potential conflict of interest. Clear Grain Exchange is not a buyer, seller, or advisor of grain. We take no view on price and have no potential for bias. This is critical to operating an independent exchange to achieve the true price for grain.

Our whole intent is to get as many buyers as possible trying to buy Australian grain from growers.

It's FREE to have a CGX account, it's FREE to have your grain offered for sale, we only charge $1.20/t if your grain trades and we always say you should factor that into your price.

If you use CGX correctly, it can only ADD VALUE to your business.

If you have grain in warehouse - you should have it offered for sale on CGX, no matter what grade it is or where it is - why wouldn't you?

If you have grain stored on farm - you should have it offered for sale on igrain!

We wish all farmers and those involved in the grain supply chain a safe and merry Christmas. Thank you for working with CGX. We feel the industry is always better understanding who we are and how to get value out of the exchange.

If you're not sure yet, please get in touch!

See what traded on CGX last week below or login to your CGX or igrain accounts to see more price information.

The tables below provide a summary of traded prices last week.

Note: GTA location differentials are used to convert prices to a port equivalent price, actual freight rates can differ particularly in the eastern states. You can offer any grade for sale to create demand.

grain prices in the main ports in Eastern Australia

grain prices in the main ports in SA & Vic

grain prices in the main ports in EP & WA

The charts below provide a summary of grain traded last week

grain commodities traded on Clear Grain Exchange
grain commodities traded in WA on Clear Grain Exchange

Grain commodities traded in SA last week on Clear grain Exchange

grain commodities traded in SA on Clear Grain Exchange

grain commodities traded in NSW & QLD on Clear Grain Exchange


CGX now own and operate the igrain market for grain stored on-farm

logo igrain by clear grain exchange

If you have any queries, we're always here to help!

Please give us a call or email if you have any questions.

Call 1800 000 410 or Email


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