Weekly Grain Traded CGX - 21 November
Markets trading where the harvest is underway - Both new crop and old crop grain was trading across all states last week.
Offer your grain for sale rather than delivering into a published bid - Often there is more value available for your grain than you may realise.
22/23 season grain is now trading on CGX - 22/23 season delivery periods are now open for trading on CGX, WA new season trading these past weeks.

When your grain is offered for sale on CGX all buyers can see it and try to purchase it.
Grain market statistics for last week
22 buyers purchased grain on CGX - more searching
37 sellers sold grain on CGX with more offering grain for sale
6 agent and/or advisory businesses sold grain on behalf of growers
18 different grades traded
6 commodities traded - wheat, barley, lupins, faba beans, peas, oats
10 port zones traded across QLD, NSW, VIC, SA and WA
Delayed harvest impacting markets
There continued to be a bit of a stand-off in grain markets generally last week. Many buyers appear reluctant to be too aggressive in accumulating tonnes while the Australian harvest is being delayed in many parts of the country. Likewise sellers are also patiently waiting for conditions to improve so they can get the headers moving and assess what they have. Traded volume on Clear Grain Exchange followed where the harvest was progressing around the country. The harvest in Western Australia was progressing at a rapid pace with some big days of receivals reported into CBH through the week before some wet weather at the end of the week. Harvest in parts of north west NSW, Qld and SA were also seeing growers looking to engage the market with both old crop (21/22 season) and new crop (22/23 season) grain trading. Remember if you're looking to sell grain there is often better value available than what is indicated by published cash and contracts bids. Rather than hitting a cash bid this harvest, offer your grain at your price to all buyers on a secure and independent grain exchange. See below example of traded values versus the best published bid on the day for ASW1 in Kwinana as an example.

Last week new crop feed barley traded $378/t Brisbane track last week, spartacus barley traded $411/t in Port Lincoln. New crop H2 wheat and peas traded $502/t and $441/t in Pt Adelaide respectively. In the west H2 wheat was trading $500/t in Geraldton, while in Kwinana APWN traded $460/t, ASW1 was trading $390/t, ANW2 was $380/t, and new crop lupins were $300/t. On the old crop, Newcastle barley was trading $345/t, Pt Kembla APW1 traded $492/t while SFW1 and AH9 were trading at $423/t. In Melbourne APW1 was trading $476/t and ASW1 was trading $422/t in Portland. In the West ASW1 continued to trade $400/t with oats trading $298/t. This is just a snippet of grain traded last week. For a more comprehensive view of prices traded across all grades and locations please login to your Clear Grain Exchange account and search the market screens. Make sure you offer your grain for sale to all buyers so you can see the full reflection of demand. Let all buyers see your grain, crunch their numbers and try to buy it. Often there are more buyers than you may realise that want to try and buy your grain. Let's create the opportunity for them to have a go!
22/23 season grain open on CGX
22/23 season delivery periods are now open for trading on Clear Grain Exchange. The delivery periods released include:
Now - for any 22/23 season grain already delivered into warehouse
Nov22/Dec22 - for grain that will be delivered by November or December
Dec22/Jan23 - for grain that will be delivered by December or January
Jul23 - for those wishing to defer delivery on a grain contract until July 23
Note we're monitoring the harvest conditions and may open more delivery periods if required.
Please remember if you sell grain for future delivery, you must deliver into the contract within that delivery period.
We're always here to help if you want to discuss offering 22/23 season grain.
The charts below provide a summary of grain traded last week

Most importantly we're always here to help!
Please give us a call or email if you have any questions.
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