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Weekly Grain Traded CGX - 24 October

  1. Growers have the power to offer their grain at their price - By offering your grain for sale on an independent and secure grain exchange, it gives all buyers the opportunity to try and buy it whilst ensuring you’re protected by anonymity and secure settlement. All you need to worry about is what price you want for your grain.

  2. 22/23 season grain is now trading on CGX - 22/23 season delivery periods are now open for trading on CGX, WA new season trading this last week.

36 buyers bought grain on CGX - 24 october
36 buyer businesses purchased grain through Clear Grain Exchange (CGX) last week. More buyers were searching for grain offered for sale.

When your grain is offered for sale on CGX all buyers can see it and try to purchase it.


Grain market statistics for last week

  • 36 buyers purchased grain on CGX - more searching

  • 156 sellers sold grain on CGX with more offering grain for sale

  • 16 agent and/or advisory businesses sold grain on behalf of growers

  • 34 different grades traded

  • 9 commodities traded - wheat, barley, canola, oats, chickpeas, lupins, faba beans, peas, lentils

  • 13 port zones traded across QLD, NSW, VIC, SA and WA

Australian grain values improve

There are a lot of dynamics happening in the Australian grain market currently. Continued wet weather in many areas of Eastern Australia is causing worries right through the supply chain, large price spreads exist between grades, Australian port zones and international physical markets, and everyone seems to be grappling with where or how to price their grain. The grower owned cooperative in the west CBH, have recently released bids for what they state are closer to reflecting export parity prices of grain, however with very limited daily volume which appears to be causing angst amongst some growers. If the price being published is the price growers are wanting or willing to sell at, then growers have the power to offer their grain at the price they want to all buyers using Clear Grain Exchange. By offering your grain for sale on an independent and secure grain exchange, it gives all buyers the opportunity to try and buy it whilst ensuring you’re protected by anonymity and secure settlement. All you need to worry about is what price you want for your grain.

  • All buyers can see your grain and try to buy it,

  • Your grain automatically sells if your price is reached,

  • You retain title of your grain until funds are paid, and;

  • all paperwork is digitised, instant and recorded in your online account.

Last week 36 different buyer businesses bought 34 grades of wheat, barley, canola, oats, and a number of pulses including chickpeas, lupins, faba beans, lentils and peas. 22/23 season grain was actively being offered, bid and trading in the west, particularly ASW1 wheat, while a plethora of grades were trading through the eastern states. Some examples of old crop values trading include: APW1 traded $452/t in Kwinana and $450/t across Melbourne, Portland, Pt Kembla, and Geraldton. ASW1 continued to trade some huge spreads across the country with $440/t selling in Pt Adelaide, $405/t in Melbourne, $400/t Pt Kembla and $360/t Kwinana + plenty more locations. Stock feed wheat traded $400/t Geelong and $360/t Newcastle, while H1 wheat traded $550/t Portland and H2 sold for $522/t Kwinana and $500/t in Newcastle as examples. Feed barley traded $350/t Portland with spartacus malt trading $390/t Melbourne. There was also a heap of pulse grades trading particularly through SA and QLD. This is just a snippet to grain that traded last week. For a more comprehensive view of prices traded across all grades and locations make sure you login to your Clear Grain Exchange account and search the market screens. Make sure you offer your grain for sale to all buyers so you can see the full reflection of demand. Let all buyers see your grain, crunch their numbers and try to buy it. Often there are more buyers than you may realise that want to try and buy your grain. Let's create the opportunity for them to have a go!

22/23 season grain open on CGX

22/23 season delivery periods are now open for trading on Clear Grain Exchange. The delivery periods released include:

  • Now - for any 22/23 season grain already delivered into warehouse

  • Nov22/Dec22 - for grain that will be delivered by November or December

  • Dec22/Jan23 - for grain that will be delivered by December or January

  • Jul23 - for those wishing to defer delivery on a grain contract until July 23

Note we're monitoring the harvest conditions and may open more delivery periods if required. Please remember if you sell grain for future delivery, you must deliver into the contract within that delivery period. We're always here to help if you want to discuss offering 22/23 season grain.

The charts below provide a summary of grain traded last week

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