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Weekly Grain Traded CGX - 25 April

  1. Do you have grain in warehouse? Offer it for sale at the price you want to all buyers. It's easy, secure and you're completely anonymous.

  2. Aussie grain will continue to win offshore business at current price levels - There are often more buyers than you realise that want your grain.

  3. 37 buyers purchased grain on CGX last week - More were searching for grain offered for sale. 32 grades traded across 15 port zones.

Graph 37 buyers on CGX
37 different buyers purchased grain through Clear Grain Exchange (CGX) last week with more searching for grain offered for sale.

When your grain is offered for sale on CGX all buyers can see it and try to purchase it.

Market stats for last week

  • 37 buyers purchased grain on CGX - more searching

    • 24 in Eastern States

    • 7 in South Australia

    • 18 in Western Australia

  • 225 sellers sold grain on CGX with more offering grain for sale

  • 15 agent and/or advisory businesses sold grain on behalf of growers

  • 32 different grades traded

  • 6 commodities traded - wheat, barley, canola, oats, lupins, peas

  • 15 port zones traded across QLD, NSW, VIC, SA and WA


Offer it for sale at your price!

37 different buyers purchased 32 grades of wheat, barley, canola, oats, lupins and peas across all the major grain growing states of Australia on Clear Grain Exchange last week.

Importantly more buyers were searching for grain offered for sale however could not find the grades they were after in locations they could make work, or could not pay the price being offered.

All buyers and traders continue to look for grain that can work into their sales programs or into new demand from either offshore or domestic users.

Grain demand remains strong, evidenced by prices of many grades trading higher over last week despite CBOT wheat futures ending the week lower and the A$ pushing higher.

Aussie grain will continue to win business into offshore markets at current price levels, we just need to be able to move it through our supply chains which everyone in the industry is focussed on to create additional capacity.

Demand and upcountry prices in Australia continue to reflect this dynamic with surges of strong demand pushing prices higher in areas and for commodities at times that can be unpredictable.

If you have grain in warehouse make sure you have it offered for sale on CGX so all buyers can see it and try to buy it. This creates demand for your grain and ensures you don't miss opportunities to sell.

Plus it's easy - all you need to worry about is what price you want for your grain. Finding a buyer, creating a contract, and ensuring your grain is secure until you get paid is all looked after for you!

You're completely anonymous, so no price is a silly price. Offer the price you're targeting. If it's not achievable today it may be achievable in the weeks ahead.

Often growers target prices will trade on CGX when published prices are well below those levels. This past week there were plenty of examples of growers grain selling at values they didn't realise were available.

There are often many more buyers than you may realise that want your grain.

The charts below provide a summary of what traded last week.

Most importantly we're always here to help!

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