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Weekly Grain Traded CGX - 28 November

  1. Barley makes up majority of grain traded - As harvest gets underway in many areas barley grades are making up a higher proportion of deliveries.

  2. Offer your grain for sale rather than hitting a cash bid - Often there is more value available for your grain than you may realise.

  3. 22/23 season grain is now trading on CGX - 22/23 season delivery periods are now open for trading on CGX, WA new season trading these past weeks.

14 buyer businesses purchased grain through Clear Grain Exchange (CGX) last week. More buyers were searching for grain offered for sale.
14 buyer businesses purchased grain through Clear Grain Exchange (CGX) last week. More buyers were searching for grain offered for sale.

When your grain is offered for sale on CGX all buyers can see it and try to purchase it.


Grain market statistics for last week

  • 14 buyers purchased grain on CGX - more searching

  • 43 sellers sold grain on CGX with more offering grain for sale

  • 10 agent and/or advisory businesses sold grain on behalf of growers

  • 18 different grades traded

  • 7 commodities traded - wheat, barley, canola, sorghum, oats, lupins, lentils

  • 8 port zones traded across NSW, VIC, SA and WA

Barley makes up majority of grain sold

Barley grades made up the majority of grain sold through Clear Grain Exchange last week. The grades traded are reflective of the harvest getting underway in more areas and both malt and feed barley making up a higher proportion of early deliveries. ASW1 wheat continued to trade in the west as growers looked to get more cover there. Generally trades was scattered across grades and locations around Australia as buyers were patient and lowering price expectations as the harvest builds. Selling into cash bids as trucks deliver grain can also weigh on prices given buyers can be patient accumulating grain. The pace of grower sales and the method of those sales may put further downward pressure on harvest prices if buyers can purchase grain they need at cash bids. For growers that are harvesting and delivering grain into warehouse, remember you can offer grain for sale at a price rather than accepting the bids on the cash boards. You can also offer grain for sale that you know you will deliver during the harvest months or for delivery in July. Australian grain prices do not need to get cheaper to remain competitive into international markets and there is a lot of grain that still needs to be bought for export and domestic use. Offer your grain for sale at the price you think is fair to all buyers on an independent and secure exchange and have some control of the price you receive this harvest. Clear Grain Exchange is not a buyer, seller or advisor of grain which is important because it means there is no potential bias in operating the exchange. Our aim is to get as many buyers as possible to buy your grain. You're anonymous and retain title of your grain until you're paid, and you can edit or cancel your offer at anytime before it sells. There is often better value available than what is indicated by published cash and contracts bids. See below example of traded values for ASW1 in Kwinana versus published bids as collected by independent analyst Profarmer.

higher publish bids on CGX

Last week feed barley traded $330/t Newcastle, $327 Portland, $315/t Port Adelaide and $300/t Kwinana. Spartacus malt barley traded $400/t Port Lincoln, while Maximus was $350/t Kwinana. APW1 wheat traded $496/t Port Kembla, $450/t Melbourne and $415/t Kwinana with the spreads possibly reflecting the concern over milling wheat availability in NSW. ASW1 traded $420/t Melbourne and $353/t Kwinana. Sorghum traded $380/t Newcastle. Canola traded $830/t Esperance + oil bonifications. Lupins traded $300/t Kwinana. This is just a snippet of grain traded last week. For a more comprehensive view of prices traded across all grades and locations please login to your Clear Grain Exchange account and search the market screens. Often there are more buyers than you may realise that want to try and buy your grain. Let's create the opportunity for them to have a go!

CGX operating at your site

Clear Grain Exchange operates at 25 different grain bulk handling businesses around Australia covering hundreds of storage sites. Check out our website to find out if you can offer grain on the exchange at your local site. If your site isn't registered on the exchange, get in touch and we can follow-up!

The charts below provide a summary of grain traded last week

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